PBIS & Citizenship
What is PBIS?
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an implementation framework for maximizing the selection and use of evidence-based prevention and intervention practices along a multi-tiered continuum that supports the academic, social, emotional, and behavioral supports of all students. The multi-tiered continuum is comprised of carefully selected evidence-based practices at three different levels of support intensity, referred to as Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3. Specific practices are matched both to the level of support needed and the local cultural context. Over 20 years of research has demonstrated when PBIS is implemented with fidelity, schools can expect the following outcomes:
Learning environments that are less reactive, aversive, dangerous, and exclusionary
Learning environments that are more engaging, preventative, responsive, and productive
Positive impacts on classroom management and disciplinary issues
Improved supports for students who need more specialized assistance (e.g., emotional and behavioral disorders, mental health)
A maximization of academic engagement and achievement for all students
What is PRIDE?
The Meadow Green Personal Responsibility in Daily Effort (PRIDE) program was established at Meadow Green in the late 1990s by then Principal John Laurich to promote positive citizenship on-campus. Since that, this award winning program has grown and added components and practices to maximize effectiveness, including Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), character and citizenship education, Peer Assistant Leadership (PALS), social and emotional learning (SEL), restorative practices, an annual Great Kindness Challenge, Pops with the Principal, and other positive reinforcement systems.PRIDE - Students earn PRIDE tickets daily as a reinforcement for positive citizenship choices. Students also earn Citizenship and PRIDE awards monthly. There is a ticket drawing and students earning recognitions are recognized at monthly PRIDE assemblies. There is also a weekly drawing on Fridays for Pops with the Principal. Students also earn charms and shirts for earning PRIDE tickets.
PBIS - Meadow Green partnered with the Orange County Department of Education to establish a PBIS program and system at Meadow Green. PBIS is a research-proven program designed to promote positive citizenship and behavior on school campuses. The Meadow Greeen PBIS program was recognized in 2020 by the California PBIS Coalition.
Character Education - Meadow Green classrooms follow the LJSD character education program and target and emphasize the LJSD character education trait of the month by embedding lessons into daily instruction. The LJSD Character Education was updated in 2024 and aligns with LJSD Core Values
PALs - Meadow Green partnered with the Orange County Department of Education to establish a student leadership program through the research-based PALS curriculum. Students in grades 4 - 6 are able to apply for the program. PAL students are provided leadership and community service opportunities throughout the school year and meet regularly with faculty leadership advisors.
SEL - Morning messages are held in each classroom to assist with establishing a positive start to each school day. SEL lessons are also embedded daily, both the formal lessons, as well as "teachable moments." Some Meadow Green teachers have also completeled Responsive Classroom training, which assists teachers with embedding SEL throughout the day through a rigorous training process.
Restorative Proactices - OCDE has trained Meadow Green upper grade staff in restorative practices, which is a tool used with typical consequences to assist administration and staff with responding to disciplinary incidents to promote understanding, empathy, and learning from/preventing future incidences.
Great Kindness Challenge - Meadow Green participates in this event yearly to establish our commitment to kindness by encouraging students to complete various acts of kindness and kindness activities throughout the week.